Sunday 12 June 2016

LM9:Effectiveness of administration

Evidence for LM9

New initiatives and Plans 

Digital Citizenship Week ::

As a part of ICT week celebrations students from Year 11 and Year 10 conducted various activities during the week.

Highlights are as follows :

Yr11 Opt1 students visited various KS3 classes to brief them on

cyber bullying and it’s after effects. It was a good initiative   
taken by the students to guide and create awareness about Cyber bullying. It was an interactive session with good student response from KS3 classes.

Road Safety week:

To encourage and spread the word of Road Safety week that is being celebrated at school, the girls of 12G1 took charge and presented an assembly to the rest of the year 12 students to remind us of our basic road rules, as well as how to be safe. To kick off, Janani introduced the topic, followed by a few reminders on how to keep safe while on the roads. In addition, we were shown several famous quotes about safety in order to motivate us to be careful. 

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