Saturday 11 June 2016

LM4: Self-evaluation and Quality assurance

Evidence for LM4:

Self evaluation of ICT meeting conducted .
Evidence for attainment and progress
Follow up  mail


     Conducting a meeting requires a lot of preparation and meeting. It was a new and innovative experience for me as I had not conducted any meetings earlier. It was a good opportunity to step into a leadership role and take responsibility for your actions. I sent a formal invitation to  all the participants of the meeting. Next step was to come up with a strong agenda to put forward constructive points, articulate ideas and to work on strategies for the development of the department. I gave an opportunity to team members to put forward their points or include their points in the agenda as well which they felt were of importance. I emailed the agenda of the meeting to all the department meeting members the previous day of the meeting. In the meeting several points were discussed to bring about a positive change in the department. Participants exchanged ideas and views , sharing good practices ,planning future events  if any, delegating work and responsibilities for events, discussing term plans and curriculum development, target groups and show improvements in their grades, discussed strategies to raise attainment  and progress of students. Discussion on creating a theory ICT resource   pack for ks3 ICT  students and year 12 ICT students and planning a competition were the highlights of the session.

    The learning aims of the meeting was to exchange idea and views, Discuss strategies for improvement and bring out a positive change in the ICT department.

What is/are the learning objective(s) of the experience?

     The learning objectives of the experience was to encourage collaborative work, share  ideas and views, planning events ,delegating work to department members, to focus on IGCSE ICT Target group students and raise their Attainment and progress ,reviewing the curriculum and term plans.

What is your role and what is the role of the participants?

      My role was to facilitate the meeting and let the department members share their ideas and views. The main objective of the meeting was to focus on the agenda which included planning competitions, raising attainment and progress of target group students, reviewing the curriculum and term plans, Creating theory resource packs for ks3 and As level ICT students. The discussion focus was on the topics mentioned and teachers shared the views and ideas about how to proceed and what their plan of action would be to achieve the target/points discussed. Collective decision making was the highlight of the meeting. Team members were encouraged to express their views and, feedback on existing practices, evaluating the practices and what could be done for further improvements.


       Tracking attainment and progress for year 12 students and follow up mail to parents'

Peer Observation and Book scrutiny of Staff  for QualityAssurance:

Learning walk Reflections

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