Sunday 12 June 2016

LM9:Effectiveness of administration

Evidence for LM9

New initiatives and Plans 

Digital Citizenship Week ::

As a part of ICT week celebrations students from Year 11 and Year 10 conducted various activities during the week.

Highlights are as follows :

Yr11 Opt1 students visited various KS3 classes to brief them on

cyber bullying and it’s after effects. It was a good initiative   
taken by the students to guide and create awareness about Cyber bullying. It was an interactive session with good student response from KS3 classes.

Road Safety week:

To encourage and spread the word of Road Safety week that is being celebrated at school, the girls of 12G1 took charge and presented an assembly to the rest of the year 12 students to remind us of our basic road rules, as well as how to be safe. To kick off, Janani introduced the topic, followed by a few reminders on how to keep safe while on the roads. In addition, we were shown several famous quotes about safety in order to motivate us to be careful. 

LM8:Professional development

Evidence for LM8

Professional Development

I have been actively involved to the Winchester school PD program and have always believed learning and growing on a daily basis is a Key to your Success

Evidence for Higher Education Certificates Obtained

Attendance certificates for PD workshops

LM7:Performance Management

Evidence for LM7

 Performance Management

Observation Notes

Observation Record

Name of activity:
Round table
Name of candidate:
Lincy shibu
Name of observer:
Sarika kunder
Date of activity:
Job title of observer:
Secondary ICT teacher
Location of activity:

Highlights of the activity
General comments:
Well planned lesson.

Specific points:
Good use of roundtable strategy as a starter to reinforce the concepts learnt in the previous lesson. Active participation and interaction in class
Points for development by candidate
General comments:
Overall the activity worked out well with most of the students contributing to the answer and building on the answer. No evidence of every students answer on the sheet as the group leader readout all the answers.
Specific points:
No evidence of each student’s answer. The team leader read out the answers. Each student could  have been given an opportunity to read out their answer.
Print name:

Department minutes and evidence of subsequent actions

Evidence of task completed from department meeting minutes

Database  –Yr11 SELF ASSESSMENT checklist

Name:- __________________

Can I do this? (tick)
I need help(tick)?
 Open a database

Import Information into database (.CSV)
Set the field names
• Set Data Types (at advanced level)
•Change field properties (decimal places or Yes/No etc)
• Add new records (provided by test paper)

Amend database fields to match information

Add more records to database

Produce a query
Add calculated fields at runtime
Set format of calculated field
• Perform search criteria
Show / hide fields
• Sort the order of a field

Produce a report based on query results
Sort order of a field
• Select portrait / landscape
Resize fields to fit the page
• Change headings
• Add calculations (=SUM, =AVG, =MAX, =MIN, =COUNT) to report footer
• Add name and numbers to page footer
Export information for use in other applications (Word, Excel etc)

Produce summary query based on a query


. No.
Action by
Teachers to organise an innovative event or organisation.
By Dec 2015
Result Analysis
Result analysis including Component analysis submit by 2ndSeptember.
Folder Maintenance
For Year 10-13:-Teachers needs to maintained the folders (hard copy also)
For Year 5-9:- Teachers needs to maintain the soft copy in drives.
Agree /Disagree Card
All the ICT labs must have the Agree /Disagree Card (including primary).
Learning Objective and outcome.
Year 10 -13, In students work Learning Objective, Learning Outcome and date to be written.
Books Compilation

HOD Thanked Pallavi, Sonika and Kiran for compiling the schemes of work + resources +Lesson Plans + task cards + Checklists……….. for KS2 and Year2. Best practices shared. Based on the discussion.. Following teachers will compile a book which will include  the schemes of work + resources +Lesson Plans + task cards + Checklists + Rubric for all the year groups.
Teachers assigned.
For Year -13 (Practical)-  By Sanjeera
For Year-13 (Theory) -, Year-12(Practical)- By Shalini
For Year-12(Theory), IGCSE -     By Sarika                                                                                                     
For Year-11 (Computer Science)   By Allabaksh
For Year-10 (Computer Science) By Shirin
For Year-10 (ICT) By Ruchika
For Year-7,8 and 9 By Tanmeet
4thDecember 2015

LM6: Management of Staff

Evidence for LM6

Management of staff

Lesson observations showing improvement and progress

Staff  Reflections of the leader

Peer Observation showing Impact

Saturday 11 June 2016

LM5: Corporate Governance

Evidence for LM5 : Corporate Governance

Participation and contribution to PD network

Professional Development (PD) is quite simply a means of supporting people in the workplace to understand more about the environment in which they work, the job they do and how to do it better. It is an ongoing process throughout our working lives.
We learn and grow everyday......................
I have been a part of the Winchester PD network and involved in leading various PD sessions contributing to the school's growth

Certificate of Leadership for outstanding support to the  PD sessions

LM4: Self-evaluation and Quality assurance

Evidence for LM4:

Self evaluation of ICT meeting conducted .
Evidence for attainment and progress
Follow up  mail


     Conducting a meeting requires a lot of preparation and meeting. It was a new and innovative experience for me as I had not conducted any meetings earlier. It was a good opportunity to step into a leadership role and take responsibility for your actions. I sent a formal invitation to  all the participants of the meeting. Next step was to come up with a strong agenda to put forward constructive points, articulate ideas and to work on strategies for the development of the department. I gave an opportunity to team members to put forward their points or include their points in the agenda as well which they felt were of importance. I emailed the agenda of the meeting to all the department meeting members the previous day of the meeting. In the meeting several points were discussed to bring about a positive change in the department. Participants exchanged ideas and views , sharing good practices ,planning future events  if any, delegating work and responsibilities for events, discussing term plans and curriculum development, target groups and show improvements in their grades, discussed strategies to raise attainment  and progress of students. Discussion on creating a theory ICT resource   pack for ks3 ICT  students and year 12 ICT students and planning a competition were the highlights of the session.

    The learning aims of the meeting was to exchange idea and views, Discuss strategies for improvement and bring out a positive change in the ICT department.

What is/are the learning objective(s) of the experience?

     The learning objectives of the experience was to encourage collaborative work, share  ideas and views, planning events ,delegating work to department members, to focus on IGCSE ICT Target group students and raise their Attainment and progress ,reviewing the curriculum and term plans.

What is your role and what is the role of the participants?

      My role was to facilitate the meeting and let the department members share their ideas and views. The main objective of the meeting was to focus on the agenda which included planning competitions, raising attainment and progress of target group students, reviewing the curriculum and term plans, Creating theory resource packs for ks3 and As level ICT students. The discussion focus was on the topics mentioned and teachers shared the views and ideas about how to proceed and what their plan of action would be to achieve the target/points discussed. Collective decision making was the highlight of the meeting. Team members were encouraged to express their views and, feedback on existing practices, evaluating the practices and what could be done for further improvements.


       Tracking attainment and progress for year 12 students and follow up mail to parents'

Peer Observation and Book scrutiny of Staff  for QualityAssurance:

Learning walk Reflections

LM3: Accountabilities and monitoring

LM3:  Clear Accountability and monitoring

Evidence for LM3

Minutes of meetings in the ICT department and followup action

Meeting: ICT Department                 
Absent :    
Date:   29th Novemeber 2015
Agenda/ UPDATES + Followups

Present-Shalini, Shirin, Tanmeet ,Allabaksh
Observation:Ms Sanjeera
Chaired- Ms .Sarika                                                     
Scribed- Ms.Shalini
Action By Who
By When
1.     (Gaming Competition)-
Interschool Kodu Kup competition to be held in January. Teachers to prepare students for the same. Students (ks3) to submit their games to their ICT teachers. Theme to be decided. General discussion and planning of the interschool competition. Teachers to be assigned specific tasks in preparation for the competition.

 ICT Team
January 2016…
2.     Target groups: Strategies for target group students to be in place appropriate steps to be taken by concerned teachers   to raise the level of students. Phone calls to be made to parents if grades are too low and emphasize on parents being present for parent teachers meeting. Have regular tests for target group students to test their understanding and area of difficulty.
Year 11,12,13 ICT teachers
3.     Term plan: Suggestions and discussion on term plan of what went well in Term 1. Changes if any to be discussed and agreed upon. What steps to be taken or if any modifications needed in the term plan for next year
ICT team
4.     KS3 theory resource pack: Teachers to prepare theory resource pack for ks3 students as  a resource guide or study material .Teachers to work on this during the winter break and come up with  resources and materials
Ks3-ICT teachers
January 2016
5.     Individual appraisal targets : Teachers to work on the targets given to them and work towards achieving it and show the evidence in coming terms for their professional development
ICT team
6. Ks3 curriculum feed back: introduction of programming languages: General discussion on how introduction of programming languages has brought in a change in the logical and critical thinking of students. Discuss how the curriculum has brought in a change in the class rooms
ICT team
7.     Feedback from students: Teacher evaluation forms to be given
ICT team

Evidence of Teacher evaluation form Given

Evidence of How Data is used to inform decisions
Rubric sheets are given to students to assess a task based on the 
criteria given in a Database Task

Evidence to demonstrate Compliance : Marking Policy

Student work demonstrating Peer marking and Self marking :